Non-profit Management

PennReach offers Non-profit Management of Community Centers/Facilities for your development/residence

Do you have a Community Room, Gym or Fitness Room that is not adequately supported either financially or programmatically? These are usually beautiful facilities that lay vacant, devoid of programs that could enhance your site either due to the high cost of maintenance or the time to manage effectively. PennReach is able to manage the site, bringing in Community members who are willing to contribute to the cost of maintaining the facility and its programs through donations to PennReach. These donations and further fundraising are then used to maintain and expand available programming.

  Services Include:

Each company’s needs are unique…

Being part of the Solution

The greatest fear of a developer is to build a space that is never used and is a cost drain on the developer. PennReach has, with its development partners, successfully worked to recruit users for a NJ urban community center; fulfilling the vision of its planners. We are part of the solution but it is a cooperative team effort.

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